Maurice Bucaille (1920-98) was a French physician whose fame relies primarily on his book La Bible, le Coran et la science, first published in 1976, which was translated into English two years later. It had a global impact on both Muslim and non-Muslim apologists and scholars and paved the way for scientists to (re-)join the large number of Qurʾān commentators (mufassirūn, sing. mufassir) since it enabled them to interpret the Qurʾān from a so-called scientific perspective. Very soon after its publication, Bucaille’s book became an instrument by which Muslims not only tried to prove the inimitability (iʿjāz) of the Qurʾān but also to promote “the Qurʾān’s immunity from distortion” (e.g., Ḥaqqānī, Barrasi-yi ārā-yi duktur Bucaille, 89-96). Some scholars claim that after Bucaille a new trend emerged, called “Bucaill(e)ism,” which is sometimes used interchangeably with iʿjāz ʿilmī, or scientific inimitability (Bigliardi, Iʿjāz, 682-5).
See Full PDF See Full PDFIn his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is the product of error or human interpretation. His study sheds new light on the Holy Scriptures. At the end of a gripping account, he places the Believer before a point of cardinal importance: the continuity of a Revelation emanating from the same God, with modes of expression that differ in the course of time. It leads us to meditate upon those factors which, in our day, should spiritually unite rather than divide-Jews, Christians and Muslims. As a surgeon, Maurice Bucaille has often been in a situation where he was able to examine not only people's bodies, but their souls. This is how he was struck by the existence of Muslim piety and by aspects of Islam which remain unknown to the vast majority of non-Muslims. In his search for explanations which are otherwise difficult to obtain, he learnt Arabic and studied the Quran. In it, he was surprised to find statements on natural phenomena whose meaning can only be understood through modern scientific knowledge. He then turned to the question of the authenticity of the writings that constitute the Holy Scriptures of the monotheistic religions. Finally, in the case of the Bible, he proceeded to a confrontation between these writings and scientific data. The results of his research into the Judeo-Christian Revelation and the Quran are set out in this book.
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