Principal use definition

means the use other than one which is wholly incidental or accessory to another use on the same premises.

Based on 12 documents

means a use, which is the main use of the site or of the principal building on the site. (BYLAW 8172, 2020)

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Examples of Principal use in a sentence

More Definitions of Principal use

means the intended and primary use of a structure or parcel of land. Based on 9 documents means the main purpose for which land, Buildings or Structures are ordinarily used. Based on 7 documents means the main use of land or structures, as distinguished from a secondary or accessory use. Based on 7 documents means the main purpose for which a building or site is used; Based on 6 documents means the primary purpose or purposes for which a building or site is used; Based on 5 documents

means the main or primary purpose for which a building, other structure and/or lot is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which they may be used, occupied or maintained under this chapter.

Based on 5 documents

. - means the primary purpose, in the opinion of the Development Authority, for which a building or parcel is used. There shall be no more than one principal use on each parcel unless specifically permitted otherwise in the Bylaw;