Principal use definition
means the use other than one which is wholly incidental or accessory to another use on the same premises.
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means a use, which is the main use of the site or of the principal building on the site. (BYLAW 8172, 2020)
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Examples of Principal use in a sentence
- The Building Official shall classify individual land uses on the basis of the use category definitions of §6.7.11.F Principal Use Categories and §6.7.11.G Accessory Use Categories.
More Definitions of Principal use
means the intended and primary use of a structure or parcel of land.
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means the main purpose for which land, Buildings or Structures are ordinarily used.
Based on 7 documents
means the main use of land or structures, as distinguished from a secondary or accessory use.
Based on 7 documents
means the main purpose for which a building or site is used;
Based on 6 documents
means the primary purpose or purposes for which a building or site is used;
Based on 5 documents
means the main or primary purpose for which a building, other structure and/or lot is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which they may be used, occupied or maintained under this chapter.
Based on 5 documents
. - means the primary purpose, in the opinion of the Development Authority, for which a building or parcel is used. There shall be no more than one principal use on each parcel unless specifically permitted otherwise in the Bylaw;